an apple a day

Today I decided to write about something healthy: The Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away – that’s what we’ve been told right? Well I always thought we were told that in my neck of the woods because we live in apple country. I figured the fruit was cheap and plentiful so my parents wanted me to eat lots of them to feel full quickly, after all, I was one of 6 kids and my parents were not rolling in the dough at the time.


But recently I came across nutrition facts on the almighty apple, and I was impressed. Come to find out the apple contains a bundle of amazing  health benefits…Apples contain a plethora of minerals, includes magnesium, copper, manganese, copper, calcium, iron, potassium and even phosphorus in small quantities.  And they are loaded with fiber – the bad cholesterol fighter.

Apples are also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. In fact vitamin A concentration is higher in the outer skin than the flesh (OMG my father TOLD me that!) so be sure to buy organic and eat the skin. And, like potatoes, the vitamin C concentration is higher just below the skin so don’t peel them or you’ll lose out on the extra C.  Oh, and they also contain Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B6.

Of course most of us tend to be more concerned about how many calories we’re consuming rather than how good it is for us so, drumroll please!

Calorie Content of The Apple: Apples contain between 53 (extra small) and 116 (extra large) calories, depending on its size.

There are more than a few health benefits associated with eating apples. The nutritional value of apples makes them a no-brainer for helping with digestion, stomach disorders, anemia, weakness, dental care, dysentry, heart disease, rheumatism, eye disorders, cancer, gout, and even skin care!

I don’t know about you, but I am heading to my nearest health food store for a bundle of ripe, organic apples; how about you?